What are some high-level tips for passing a co-op board interview?

Generally speaking, good advice for a co-op board interview is to remain balanced – do not try too hard to fit into a “perfect” persona, but also watch what you say, so as not to be off-putting.  For example, if the board asks if you throw parties, you could say that from time to time, you have friends over, but are respectful of neighbors and respect the building’s rules on normal hours for guests (i.e. not too late).  You should be ‘yourself’ and not come off as being fake for the sake of passing the interview.  You should also make sure to be honest and prepared, so as not to contradict what you said previously (or each other, if it’s more than one of you interviewing).

Moreover, you should know your application inside and out, including all information you include about yourself, as the board may refer to it during the interview (may not come up at all, but good to be prepared).  Also, if there is anything in the application that may need to be explained or a potential red flag, you should prepare answers to those questions that explain the situation in a positive light.  Do not bring anything up, unless the board members do, and if they do, be prepared to address it effectively.

If you work with one of our Method Properties agent team members, we will meet with you to run through a variety of questions and topics that could be covered, providing helpful feedback, when applicable.  The primary items that we comment on are anything that sounds too extreme or would raise red flags (being a bit nitpicky, but nothing too strict).
