If I give a real estate agent or landlord cash, checks or my credit card information during the application process, should I get a receipt or some sort of documentation?

Yes, you should definitely ask for a receipt or documentation when providing any type of payment to an agent or landlord / management company.  Various payments can include a deposit, application fee, credit check fee, commission or other required fees.

Whenever giving cash to an agent, you should always protect yourself by asking for a receipt that states the following:

  • Amount and form of payment
  • Purpose of payment
  • Recipient of payment
  • Date of payment
  • Signature and printed name of the agent and brokerage firm

Checks / Money Orders
When handing over a check or money order, make photocopies of each or scan and save as files on your computer for your records.

Credit Card
If providing your credit card information online, print out or save a copy of the payment confirmation screen and/or email.
