What basic criteria should I determine when beginning my search for a rental apartment?

There are multiple items that you should determine when starting your search, including the size of the apartment, location, your maximum monthly budget, the move-in date, any required / preferred amenities and the type of building:

  • Size – studio, one bedroom, two bedroom, convertible three bedroom, etc.
  • Location – specific neighborhoods or boundaries
  • Budget – maximum monthly budget for rent
  • Move-In Date – range or specific date for moving
  • Amenities – doorman, elevator, laundry, pets, gym, garage, outdoor space, etc.
  • Type of Building – pre-war vs. post-war vs. new development, luxury high rise vs. townhouse vs. walkup vs. loft

In addition, you should think about and list more specific details that you want from the apartment, building and neighborhood, which can help inform your search, especially when working with a real estate agent.
